Horse Ranch Foreman
Horse Ranch Foreman
WILDFIRE RANCH SPIRITUAL RETREAT ( is located in Spring Mills, Pa., just 25 minutes from State College, PA and the Pennsylvania State University. We are famous for our equine therapy retreat center, using horses to heal humans of depression (
We have an opening for a RANCH FOREMAN/WOMAN. This job is working as an independent contractor 15-40 hours/week. This is a live-in situation with your fully-furnished guestroom, shared bathroom and laundry room included as part of your pay in the amount of $550/month, all utilities included!
Winter time (December 1st - April 1st) duties include letting the herd of 15 horses out each morning to pasture; throwing 4 bales of hay; filling water tubs; mucking out 10 horse stalls + 2 run-in shelters; using the tractor to muck out the front and back run- in shelters and plow snow when needed; laying pine shavings in each stall; stuffing hay nets; filling water buckets in each stall; bringing horses into their stalls for the evening. Barn maintenance duties take about 3-4 hours daily. During the winter months you will only be working 3-4 hours/daily six (6) days/week doing these barn chores. Pay during the winter months is $1,000/month (CASH) + $550/month for your fully-furnished room, bathroom and laundry room = $1,550/month. This comes out to $387.50/week and $22.14/hour.
Spring-Summer-Fall (April 1st - December 1st): In addition to barn maintenance your duties will include taking city slickers out on horseback trail rides (tremendous fun!) - and teaching horse-riding lessons (we can train you). You will also be operating the lawnmower, weed-eater and tractor for property maintenance. During our busy season your duties will take 7-8 hours/day = 30-40 hours/week working six (6) days/week. During the Spring-Summer-Fall months your pay of $1800/month (PAID IN CASH) +$550/month for fully-furnished room (laundry room and full bath) = $2,350/month and $537.50/week and averages out to $16.53/hour. You are working six (6) days/week.
This is the perfect job for cowboys, cowgirls and horse lovers in general. We are seeking a hard-working (don't complain about mucking stalls), responsible (don't neglect the horses with laziness), honest (don't steal) individual. We will give greater priority to those with horse experience. Dogs, cats and horses are allowed on a case by case basis.
Text/Call: 814.574.9942, Cynthia.