25 Aug
Need a buddy to come with me to ER
Colorado, Denver , 80221 Denver USA

Hi world.

I need to hire someone to come with me to the emergency room today, as soon as possible, and hang out during the days I’m hospitalized, if they hospitalize me. Which they probably will because I am having multiple severe medical problems.

I need someone to go with me as a support/witness/advocate/caregiver, because…

I’ve experienced malpractice in the past when I go to the hospital alone without a witness. It’s dangerous to go alone. A second person around as a witness, makes them less likely to malpractice.

If you know about medical gaslighting, you know. If you’ve seen this happen to your own friends, family, or yourself… you know.

Literally I’ve had things like: doctors misquote me dangerously in my chart claiming I said stuff I never said, doctors call me a hypochondriac about illnesses that were later proven to be completely real,

I’ve nearly died multiple times from infections going untreated/ not treated fast enough because I am immune repressed, and so I don’t show typical raised markers for infections, and for some reason they wouldn’t believe me about being immune repressed, while also ridiculously refusing to consult with my pcp, autoimmune illness specialist, and refusing request my medical records that show that I AM immune repressed (wtf?)

I’ve even had a crazy nurse bully and make me move on an injury I shouldn’t have been moving on so badly it internal bleeding—and because I was alone in the hospital, it was only my word verses hers, and of course they blindly side with their staff! And I couldn’t do anything about it because she was lying to the surrounding staff about me, and it was just her word against mine! Terrible!

Hence why I don’t want to go alone.

Bonus points if you have medical experience of any sort, though it isn’t required.

What is required is that you be a kind-hearted individual.

And it is preferred if you are someone who can be a “ball buster” if the going gets really tough.

If you see them badly mistreating me. (Hopefully it won’t come to that. I’m just planning for worst case scenario)

And usually I’m good at standing up for myself, it just does almost no good when I’m alone.

So if I stand up for myself about something, I could use someone who will back me up.

But 90% of the time of the job is just you sitting in a chair or laying on the couch in the room, with your mere presence being a deterrent against medical malpractice.

You can even bring your phone, laptop, games, other work, etc, and do other things during downtime. Which is 90% of the time.

And small duties like grabbing me ice chips or juice or something on occasion, lol.

You must have your own transportation.

If you’ve seen my ads before, it’s because I either got overwhelmed and sicker and the time crunch dictated that i went to the hospital alone without hiring someone (which went badly!) or another time I hired someone without success. Sigh.

And now I have to go back to the hospital again. Because some of the medical problems keep getting not resolved and/or new problems happened too.

If you contacted me before and I didn’t reply back — I’m sorry. It’s not you, it’s because I lost track of you because it’s an overwhelming situation. I’m super sorry. I’m overwhelmed by too much to do + being super cripplingly sick + neurological problems + no help + under treated ADHD and neurological problems makes me forget stuff + swarms of messages so many it can be tough to keep track of them, especially with the neurological problems.

So please try again, if you think you’re a good fit!

Also, if it goes well, it might turn into a long term caregiver gig, 4-5 hours a day, 4-5 days a week. But that’s for the future and please consider that a separate job. Because people weirdly kept combining the two jobs and applying and only being able to have scheduling ability for the second part, while being unable to help me with the first part.

For the purposes of this ad, I really need help with the first part. The hospital first. So the job is:

Emergency room buddy + hospital buddy during daytime hours for as many days as I’m in the hospital.

Starting immediately. ASAP. Not tomorrow. Like, as soon as I find someone after this ad is posted, and I get my stuff ready to go/ducks in a row, we are going to the hospital. Because obviously, this is urgent/emergency.

Timeline note: once I’m admitted to the hospital, you will need to be there in early mornings, starting at 7am, because doctors and nurses start stuff early.

Pay: $20 an hour, x about 8 hours a day. For the next 3-7 days, Saturday August 24th through next Saturday. idk how long they’ll keep me. But I’m really sick, so if they do their jobs correctly, it’ll be a while.

If you’re only available for the first 2-3 days, Sat, Sun, Mon I’m, I’ll still consider you.

Because what I need the most urgently is the help in the beginning.

If it carries over into night shift (like if I’m at the emergency room and they take so long that I’m not diagnosed, in a room, stable, being treated, etc, I’d prefer you stay for that too, and the payment will continue & if you fall asleep on the chair or couch in the room that’s totally fine.)

Or if I get a delay in finding a good person, and the time frame is that I go to the emergency room after about 4pm, just a heads up, it will probably carry over for part of the night. Or if I go to the ER at 8pm, or 9pm, it’ll go more into the night. Etc. It depends on how fast i can find someone good to go with me.

(Ad currently being posted at like, 11am on Sunday)

By the way this is not a good job if you have kids but cannot find childcare for your kids. :( I love kiddos, but I’ve gotten people who apply but can’t show up at these times needed because they don’t have childcare.

Texting preferred. I have focal seizures that interfere with talking out loud times, so talking hurts.

Text me a summary about yourself please.

$20 an hour for 8-12 hours on Sat, with 8 hours a day on Sun/Mon/Tue. Possibly until next Saturday.

Lasting roughly 3 to 7 days. + Potential long term position available.

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