28 Apr
California, San diego , 92101 San diego USA

Work your own hours, contacting Homeowners in foreclosure. Yes, jump into Real Estate today working w/investors flipping homes and learning a priceless trade, and GET PAID!$!

Help homeowners out of foreclosure working with experienced investors and promote as quickly as you catch on

Must have a vehicle, cell phone and self-motivated to get on the road and make money with us, using our leads, experience, resources and networking this highly profitable industry.

You are provided a list of homeowner's & addresses to contact in foreclosure. We provide a detailed speech of exactly what to say at their home and how to respond to get the greatest response and an appointment. Bottom line, we've been helping homeowners keep their homes out of foreclosure for over 23 years

Appointment: $150 Each

When they sign: Another, $3,000.00, (90% Closing Ratio, appointment to signing)

We provide a 15 minute read to train for what to say and how to respond. Bottom line, they're losing their most precious asset, their home, to foreclosure

If you catch on fast, we promote within If this sounds like a good fit, we’d like to talk w/you more, when possible. Sales experience and/or bilingual is helpful, but not necessary, this program sells itself, once you review and apply the notes.

Tell us a little about yourself, your strengths, sales experience if any and why you'd be a good asset to work with and grow with us

Looking forward to hearing from you, text: 3039023197

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