19 May
Host 15 Yr Old Leo from Spain this Summer $1000
New York, Catskills 00000 Catskills USA

Vacancy expired!

USAI is looking for a qualified family to host Leo, a 15 yr old boy from the north of Spain, who arrives on June 23 and departs on July 20. He is participating in our Total Immersion program which is a cultural and linguistic immersion in an American family. Leo has a high level of English, loves basketball as well as tennis and soccer and plays electric guitar.

All of our students carry health and liability insurance, are well-behaved and genuinely excited to spend four weeks with an American family. They do not attend camp, classes or organized events but simply live with you, doing what you do and sharing their own unique experiences with you and your family. Host families should have children (preferably around the age of the students), have at least one adult home during the day and be genuinely interesting in cultural exchange. Host families are provided a total stipend of $1000 to help cover costs.

USAImmersion has been placing boys and girls from Europe in host family, camp and academic year programs throughout the Northeast since 2008. If you are interested please reply to this notice or call us at 845-876-7112. You can also complete a host family data form at https://www.usaimmersion.org/host-registration/ and we'll contact you right away.

Host families can have teens or young children but must have an adult always at home. As the students do not attend school or camp, families are asked to treat them like members of their own families and involve them in all home activities, excursions and day-to-day chores. Most importantly, they are expected to provide a stable, safe and caring environment.

Unlike most placement agencies, USAI is an American organization. We are not a subsidiary of, an affiliate of, an alter-ego of or in partnership with any foreign agency. Our directors are US citizens. 100% of all funds generated by our programs stays in the local economy. We will come to your home to explain the program and support you during the entire process.

There are many advantages to hosting:

It's a short time-frame, 3-4 weeks, in July and early August. Students adjust their travel dates to their families' availability during the summer time. Many families use this opportunity as a test before hosting a high school exchange student.

It can make your summer plans more interesting for the entire family (some of our families even choose to travel with their students).

It's a great cross-cultural experience to help your family gain a deeper understanding of other cultures and can lead to lifelong friendships.

Hosting international students can be cited in resumes and college applications to demonstrate intercultural experience.

If you think you may be interested in hosting a USAI international student this summer please fill out a host family questionnaire at http://usaimmersion.org/host-family-registration/host-registration/ and we will contact you right away. You can respond to this post by email or contact us at 347-746-9015. Thank you.

Vacancy expired!

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