AM Breakfast cook/counter person
Cascade Biscuit Kitchen is hiring for someone that can provide excellent customer service while also helping with minor prep/production duties. It’s a great schedule, we’re closed Tu&W, close at 1 the rest of the weekdays, and the latest you’d be there is on the weekend when we close at 2.
We offer comfort food and really want to provide warm service along with it. Looking for someone to START RIGHT AWAY, so send in your resumes (please don’t reply w/o a resume, and one shows relevant experience ).
Absolute NEEDS:
Punctuality-we keep a tight schedule so being 5 min late really puts a cramp in things
Reliability-if you’re asked to open, and you accidentally sleep in, we can’t open anywhere near on time
Stability-please have a lifestyle conducive to being a solid coworker and not one that will inevitably spilling into work
If you can provide those things, we can probably train ya to do everything else!