Hiring Part Time Magical Antiques Fanatic
We are hiring for a part time position 2 to 3 days per week. Retail sales experience a must. Magickal proficiency a must. Love and knowledge of the Victorian era and antiques a must. Flexible schedule and availability a must. Set schedule with same days every week with occasional coverage days for other employees with sick days or days off. Looking for the perfect person who wants to work a couple days a week in the best magical antiques shop in town. Drop off a resume at the shop Wednesday thru Saturday with the owner, or email to victorianmoonmailbox@gmail.com. DO NOT CALL!
Pay is minimum wage of $17.40 hour. Hours are 10:30 to 5pm Sundays and Tuesdays, again with coverage days at random with as much advanced notice as possible! Do not apply if the above requirements are not a perfect fit!