Stone Security Service
New York Citys most recognized event security service in New York has 25 positions for unarmed High level event security agents in New York City & Brooklyn
(PART TIME/ PER EVENT) immediate hire based on qualifications
We secure Red Carpet and high profile celebrity events only: visit our website www.stonesecurityservice.com Security Agents must have minimum 2 years experience and an active Fireguard License or NYS Security guard license. Dress attire Black suits white shirts and Black tie. Males and females welcome to apply.
Candidates must have a resume: and 2 professional former employee references Must be ON-TIME, neatly groomed, no Neck of Face tattoos. Candidates must speak fluent English
Starting Pay Rate $20-$25 per hour for qualified individuals. Must speak English and have a clean and proper appearance.
EMAIL - resumes and a copy of your VALID NYS SECURITY LICENSE and F-04- no exceptions
Serious inquiries ONLY!
Interviews will be conducted vis zoom or google meet starting this Tuesday November 12th