retail/wine liquor store associate needed part time job
please call or text 2019669182 must be from QUEENS NY
we re seeking to hire an hourly sales associate with a high interest in wine and spirits , with some experience, we welcome those with the desire to learn and hospitality
professionals are preferred
currently seeking a part time employee with opportunities to pick up extra shifts and to provide customer service to our customers
the person hired will be required to learn over time all products in the store and provide wine pairing and cocktails suggestion for our customers
-wine knowledge of an entry/moderatre level with a high willingness to learn
-great customer service skills
-able to work weekend, evening and holidays required
-reliable dependable, responsible , and trustworthy
-attention to detail, clean,organized
-enjoys and knows few wines & spirits
-ability to communicate clearly
-fluent in English & Spanish
-stocking and decent sense of urgency required
-comfortable lifting and carrying heavy boxes when there's delivery
-chill but professional personality
-duties required must have store clean every shift ,always fully stocked , customer service , reliable , always working during shift