Embroidery Trimmer/Finisher (Bordado)
Vacancy expired!
We are a well established and recognized embroidery factory in Oakland Park, Florida. We offer competitive pay and benefits, as well as a high quality environment for employees to learn and grow.
Currently seeking an Embroidery Trimmer/Finisher. We are a high quality factory, and we prefer operators with at least 1 year of experience in a similar environment and with a desire to be the best! However, we will train a qualified candidate with a great work ethic and work habits, including attention to detail and organization.
The Embroidery Trimmer will finish and detail embroidered garments (e.g., shirts and hats) and accessories (e.g., bags and towels) after they are embroidered. This will involve trimming excess backing and loose thread with scissors, and some minor detailing with fine point colored pens. The items will then be folded, counted and packed in their corresponding boxes. Some minor record-keeping is also required. SPANISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY STRONGLY PREFERRED.
We offer a competitive starting wage (minimum $13 to start), based on experience and skills and potential, along with paid holidays after 90 days of successful employment. We also offer a paid time off (PTO) program with one week of paid time off after one year and two weeks after two years.
Our work is regular and stable with at least 40 hours/week and opportunities for overtime pay (at time and one-half). Very little seasonality, which provides employees with stable paychecks. Work hours 7:00 a.m.-3:30 pm. FULL TIME.
Please reply via e-mail with your telephone number or contact 954-776-0010.
Somos una fabrica de bordado reconocida y establecida, situada en Oakland Park, Florida. Ofrecemos paga competitiva con beneficios, y un ambiente de alta calidad donde los empleados pueden aprender y crecer profesionalmente.
Se busca una persona (Embroidery Trimmer/Finisher) para limpiar, detallar, y empacar la ropa y accesorios que han sido bordados. Se prefieren personas con alguna experiencia parecida, pero entrenaremos personas organizadas, detallistas, responsables, y con buenos habitos de trabajo. Personas preferiblemente con buena experiencia en lugares con producccion de alta calidad y con el deseo de esmerarse y adelantar
Ofrecemos un salario de comienzo competitivo (minimumo $13 para empezar), basado en su experiencia, habitos de trabajo y habilidad con las tareas laborales. Despues de 90 dias de empleo se ofreceran dias feriales pagados. Tambien tenemos un programa de tiempo libre (vacacion) pagado, y se ofrece una semana libre pagada despues de un ano y dos semanas anuales despues de 2 anos. Salario sera basado en el nivel de experiencia, conocimentos, y capacidad. Personas que hablen espanol recibiran primera consideracion.
El trabajo es muy estable y continuo durante el ano completo y con un minimo de 40 horas semanales. Horas laborales: 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m, y se ofrecen con cierta regularidad oportunidades para trabajo "overtime" con paga de "tiempo y medio".
Por favor, responder por correo electronico con su telefono o al 954-776-0010.
Vacancy expired!