Professional Commercial Painters Needed
Please read entire post before contacting us. We are looking for experienced professional commercial/residential painters. MUST HAVE the following to be considered for employment.
1.) At least 4 years experience
2.) Two forms of valid identification. (drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.)
3.) Vehicle
4.) Basic hand tools + painter whites
5.) Can work Monday through Friday, 8am-4:30pm
6.) Pay is based on experience
If you have all of the above, please TEXT me at 727.344.1199 with the following:
1.) Years of experience and what type of painting you do
2.) Desire pay per hour on payroll
Our office is located in Kenneth City/St. Pete. If you qualify we will ask you to come into the office to complete an application, please be sure to bring 2 FORMS OF VALID IDENTIFICATION.