I'm a retired Natural Health Doctor, offering free Massage Therapy sessions for chiropractic back injuries as well as offering - a free 2 bedroom apartment to anyone interested. I live alone in a very large house and its vacant with an apartment connected to it that is presently empty as well. There is a 4 room apartment and 2 Apartment Rooms available that are both vacant and I need a (house keeper) to clean and take care of this beautiful country Honesdale house.
I'm Offering Free Daily Massage Therapy - For Chiropractic Back Injuries - To The House Keeper - Who Accepts
I'm a natural health doctor and I'm also offering my free massage therapy that goes to the house keeper who is interested in occupying this job position. This Position involves, basic cooking, cleaning, organizing and taking care of the house. It is a full time live in position and i'm also offering daily massage therapy sessions in addition to the free housing.
This position pays by offering completly free housing with full amentities that are paid for as well as free daily massage therapy sessions. I also offer $14.00 dollars an hour for my own massage therapy needs as well should the house keeper be interested in that. I have a few injuries that require attending that I cannot service myself, and its very basic entry level massage therapy that I can teach.
Call and speak with David when ready to accept this job - 570-647-4622