Housekeeper Wanted
Gold Home Service LLC is a local cleaning/housekeeping business in Okaloosa County. We do most of our work in Destin, which is where the job for this posting is.
These are townhome/condo units that are located near the beach off 98. Each unit will need to be professionally cleaned, to the standard of our clients. The units must pass inspection to receive compensation, per our contract agreement.
You must have your own cleaning equipment/supplies, transportation, and be prepared/reliable towards all things that are Gold Home Service LLC related. This is not a terribly difficult job for someone who has prior experience, and the compensation will be fair, as we can discuss the rates in an interview.
We base everything off of what our clients pay us. Gold Home Service LLC is licensed, insured, and registered with all necessary/required governmental agencies. We strive to do well in all aspects, most importantly our job performance and professionalism.
If you are hardworking, reliable, and have some cleaning experience, this could be a great opportunity for you! Please contact Operations Supervisor Nick at 850-830-0278.
All applicants are welcome, which includes those who do not speak English. My wife and owner of the business is fluent in Spanish.