Seeking surrogate mothers and egg donors
Gifted Conceptions carry the mission to provide guidance, support, comfort and compassion to surrogates AND egg donors throughout the journey.
To learn more about everything we can do, reach out to us today and GET MATCHED to start the journey!
Apply on-line
Be between the ages of 21 and 41 years old.
Live in a surrogacy-friendly state.
Be a legal resident of the United States
Have family support.
Have a body mass index (BMI) less than or equal to 32
Have had at least one full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy and birth
Be willing to travel for screening and embryo transfer procedures
Provide documentation of medical history and past pregnancies
Between the ages of 21 and 31
Have a BMI 19-29
Physically healthy
Willing to take injections required by clinic
Psychologically healthy
No history of substance abuse
No current use of psychoactive drugs
Dependable, mature, and able to follow clinic's instructions