Quality Inspection Engineer
First point of contact for the warehouse inspection related discussion such as incoming inspection criteria, training, standards, reports etc.
Completing PIR (part inspection request) inspection disposition
Creating QI (One page rejection report) from database and communication to various stake holders like material controller, MQE, SQP etc.
Completing inspection report using ICS (Inspection Control System) for inventory deduction, shipping and chargeback.
Review of system inventory such as number of parts shows in system vs actual, rejected vs shipped, rejected vs disposition pending, etc.
Work with the BTL and Inspectors to address the backlog and correct systems like ICS, MACS and NTRP, as needed.
Updating daily dashboard and communicate daily basis to LVO inspection BTL
Report to BTL on daily basis for the status of open issues and escalate for support
Work with BTL and Quality Specialist if any priority or inspection process change foreseen.
Creating new or updating existing SOPs for inspection if needed.
Using various IT tools like ICS, MACS, GILM, Kola, NTRP, GPS, DB upon needed.
Work with Packaging engineering for any improvement needed on packaging
Block, unblock and flag inventory as and when needed.
Maintains procedures and presents summary reports on failures, analysis, and corrective actions
Liaise with external/internal vendors, contractors or suppliers to ensure that their products or services meet the organization's quality standards and for all containment.
Develop and implement quality assurance processes and tools
Write and revise standard operating procedures
Support and facilitate audits and regulatory inspections
Support quality training coordination