I own and operate a small, but successful watch repair business in Durham. Demand for repairs is far exceeding my ability to stay on top of things. I am proud to offer quality, minimal callback watch repair service that delights my customers.
I am currently seeking out knowledgeable watchmakers/watch repair technicians to perform top-quality repair work with little or no supervision. If you are a retired watchmaker or repair technician, I may have an opportunity for you. I am interested in typically handing off a watch to you to be repaired within an agreed-upon timeframe, paying you a mutually beneficial amount of money for your time and skills. You would be paid as an independent contractor, not as an employee. You will perform the work at your shop, with your tools, and within a schedule that meets both our needs.
I am unable to take on apprentices at this time. I simply do not have the workshop real estate or daily bandwidth for such an undertaking.
Expect the majority of work to be full teardown servicing of pocket watches and wristwatches. Repaired watches will be subject to my personal quality control standards, to be inspected via timegrapher and microscope. So, if this opportunity might interest you, or if you know of someone, please send me a message and we can go from there.