22 Jan
Asian restaurant Full-time Delivery driver (ASAP)
Asian restaurant
3513 Nazareth rd Easton pa 18045
employment type: full time delivery driver at Asian restaurant
Drivers needed. Reliable and responsible people.Good positive attitude.
Good money. Laid back environment.
calls or text please, better apply in person.
We have a GOOD delivery zone with GREAT costumers that we want to keep happy.
Looking for drivers for the following hours. ASAP
Full time Wednesday through Monday:11am-9:45pm ($75/day plus tips + delivery fee+lunch)
You get Delivery fee and Cash tip every day
If you live 20 minutes away please do not apply.
Working Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
ASAP call or txt at 917-601-9472.
Delivery Drivers average $12-$18/hr.
(Better apply in person if possible)