Solar Installer: Solar Pool Heater & Solar Hot water
Experienced solar installer and tech for solar pool heating (mostly) and solar hot water.
Jobs include new solar pool heater installations, remove and re-install, and repair. Solar hot water repairs and remove and reinstall. Jobs are mainly Pinellas with some in Hillsbough, Pasco, Manatee counties.
Pay is piece rate based on job and experience. Paid weekly. Fulltime/parttime
Be experienced with solar pool heating.
Be clean cut and presentable to customers.
Be reliable.
Must have valid driver's license, clean cut and be able to pass a background check.
Experience with solar hot water.
Own truck or van.
No Recruiters!
Only solar pool /solar hot water positions
Sorry not hiring for solar pv
Greg , Green Planet Solar Systems
727-219-9785. call or text