Cabinet Maker / Carpenter
Construction Company in McAllen is looking for a skilled cabinet maker to build and install cabinets. Duties may involve measuring, cutting, assembling, and finishing cabinets, as well as working with wood and other materials.
Must have at least 2+ years' experience in cabinet making, woodworking, or carpentry.
Qualifications: Experience with power tools, woodworking machinery, and finishing techniques. Attention to detail and precision are often emphasized.
Applicants call the office 956-213-8244 to submit an application.
Compania de construccion en busca de carpintero ebanistas para armar y instalar gabinetes de madera. Deberes laborales incluyen tomar medidas, cortar, assemblar, y terminar gabinetes.
Debe tener minimo 2+ year's de experencia en armar e instalar gabinetes de madera.
Llamar a la oficina 956-213-8244 para llenar aplicacion.