Handyman Needed for Old Town Temecula Apartment Building.
Part Time Handyman needed for Apartment Building located next to Old Town Temecula
Your workload will consist of approximately 80% Service Calls, 20% getting vacancies ready to re-rent.
If you meet the following criteria, please respond:
1099 reporting.
Must have a minimum of a Local Business License (Would prefer a State License)
Must have Liability Insurance with a minimum 1M/2M
Up to 16+ Hours per month (8 straight hours every other week, or as needed)
Minimum 5 Years experience
Must have basic knowledge of General Handyman Work, including, but not limited to: plumbing, carpentry, electrical, painting, hanging blinds, cabinet and drawer repair, build and re-screen screens, repair/install sliding closet doors, replace rollers on sliding glass doors, and miscellaneous maintenance and repair.
Must have your own Cell Phone, Computer, Printer, and Email Address.
Must supply 3 Maintenance References
If you meet ALL of the above, please email me your experience or resume in PDF Format, along with your hourly rate.
Thank you!