Exhaust Hood Cleaning
Job opening Hood Cleaning Technician
Specialty cleaning company in WNY is in need of cleaners for the hoods in restaurants.
Working 32 to 40 hours per week. Experience might be a plus but we will train you to do the job correctly. Work all year long.
Job Description:
Power washing of kitchen exhaust systems including hood, duct work, filters and exhaust fans.
Must be able to understand safety plans and procedures.
Accountable for the tools and supplies issued. Must ensure all equipment is wiped down at the completion of every job.
Qualified candidates will receive paid training, uniforms, some tools and equipment required to perform the job.
Advancement opportunity for supervisor.
Job Requirements:
Candidate must possess:
Valid and clean NYS driver’s license and have dependable transportation to work.
Must be reliable.
Be able to climb on equipment, ladders and can lift and carry up to 50 lbs.
Be able to work independently from start to finish with limited supervision.
Show Attention to detail, be able to work efficiently and take pride in your work.
Be flexible to work mostly nights and some mornings. Work week is Sunday morning through Thursday night. Schedules are posted Friday for the following weeks work.
Be able to work according to company standards and in a safe and efficient manner.
An equal opportunity employer
Call 716-675-6800. MUST fill out application in person. NO e-mails.