07 Feb
150 Immediate Warehouse Openings
Food distribution center located in Peoria currently hiring for the following positions:
General labor, Data Entry Clerks, Forklift Operators, Janitors, Inventory, Order selectors, Supervisors, IT Technician's, QC Inspectors.
Must be flexible to work overtime and weekends
Distribudora de comida en Peoria contratando para muchas pocisiones:
Labor general, Montacargas, Limpieza, Inventario, Selectores, Supervisores, Control de Calidad.
Flexibilidad de trabajar fines de semanas y horas extras
Call/Llame (602)734-2985
Apply In Person Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 3:00 pm/Aplique En Persona Lun-Vier 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
7425 W. Peoria Ave. Suite 103
Peoria, AZ 85345