Any Functional Medicine or Integrative Health CareProfessionals
Imma keep this short and sweet or I will over think this and never post:
Any Functional Medicine or Integrative Health CareProfessionals here in the Phila metro area wanna partner up and blow up together. I feel like Ive gotten as far as I can solo dolo. I need to join forces with another power house so we can sore above the rest like the Eagles.
Contact me via just to set up a chat so we can see if our services and goals coincide. I gotta start some where with this. I should do a long and drawn out chatgpt letter but I gotta start off with this raw Craigslist ad to see what bites I get.
About us: in business since December 2008. We have at least 30,000 client list as a result. Moving soon into a new larger location. Here in the city of Philly. Looking to partner with health care, medi-spa, fitness, longevity, lifestyle, etc to build an empire using todays latest AI, Social Media marketing, and strong customer service and proven practices.
Contact me to see if what we each do can merge and forge strongly into the short and distant future together.
Just to clarify: not looking for employees. I love you but I dont have a "job" to offer. I'm looking for entrepreneurs who already have an establishment and quite possibly is looking to partner with us to "get to the next level". Or, if you have a unique talent but not quite established the business yet, perhaps your talents and our business can merge into something huge. We can take our small businesses and turn them into something greater and stronger.