Experienced General Manager, Please, / Partner
Good - Morning Everyone, I am in the process of searching for an Experienced General Manager, to help Me with, setting up, a Business, a successful Business, and also, possibly helping to operate it. What, will You bring to the table? Good Question? Your good Credit, Liquid Cash, access to Finances, etc. This is hopefully going to be a Successful Restaurant. Located anywhere from, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to Rochester, New Hampshire.
( Disclaimer, Your Payment, money, Salary, will be in the future, perhaps a Year or two, out, into the future, after the Business is up and running and is successful. I would like everyone to Understand that. )
You may call Me, with any Questions, @ 603 - 503 - 5574. Harry. Thank You, very much, in advance! I look forward, to talking with You! Please be Safe and Please have a Great Day!