Executive Producer, Telemundo Las Vegas
An Executive Producer is responsible for the overall editorial content on all platforms produced by KBLR.
Job Duties Work directly with News Director, Assignment Editor, Producers, Anchors, MMJ’s and production crews in overall news content production.  Conceive and execute daily programs incorporating top news stories responsible for on-air look and program format. Supervise editorial content of all news products on multi-platform deliveries. Supervise assignment desk, news producers, and news production staff  Work with MMJ, anchors and reporters to improve story content, style and presentation. Responsible for reporter's script approval. Able to write news scripts, promotional teasers, headlines and topicals.  Help guide TV staff in journalism best practices and content showcasing, based on NBC News Policies.  Hold staff accountable for content that is balanced, fair, accurate and complete, incorporating where appropriate a diverse range of sources.  Develop future segments, special event coverage, sweeps planning. Collaborate with Brand Marketing on topical and special promotion. Collaborate with other newsroom managers for special events planning as well as day-to-day coverage. Responsible for managing the production of news specials, entertainment shows and other productions outside of the regularly scheduled newscasts. Work with all facets of the organization, including production, IT and engineering to ensure the most accurate and compelling local coverage. Contribute to and develop content for digital platforms. Collaborate with Digital Lead to develop content and promotion strategies on all platforms. Work with Digital Lead to manage KBLR efforts. Manage playlist like a newscast rundown to maximize opportunity for engagement. Work on news staff scheduling and long-range planning.  Back-up producer and assignment editor as needed. Plan and share content with news partners. Share resources when possible.