Surrogate/Gestational Mothers NEEDED
Help create a family by carrying another family's child. Work with an experienced Florida Law Firm and a Florida Bar Attorney.
Generous financial compensation starting at $50,000 plus all related expenses paid.
Become that miracle for another family!
Immediate matches now available.
Basic requirements:
Must live in the State of Florida
Ages 21-40
Have had one or more uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries
Do not use tobacco or any illegal drugs
Refrain from alcohol use during pregnancy
Must be a U.S. Citizen or a green card holder
No criminal history
Healthy weight/height appropriate (BMI 35 or less)
No more than 3 previous C-Sections
Mature and stable woman wanting to help a family make their dream come true!
Questions? Please call our office at (561) 330-6700 We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Fill out Application on our website:
FL BAR#307084