Explore Tires Quality Engineer Graduate Trainee
The Explore Tires Quality Engineer Graduate Trainee will do:▪ Introduction to quality management and technical compliance in PLT/CVT Plant - department rotation, a deeper introduction to plant operation
▪Introduction to production processes, Rubber Technologies, Material’s flow and Components in order to gain in-depth operational knowledge about the production process 
▪ 4 month shopfloor experience incl. laboratory test stations
▪ Quality Management projects within the plant
▪ Rotations to other departments in order to get an insight into the collaboration of all departments (Mandatory: PI, Production, MTE, Process Engineering)
▪ Establish and maintain a network throughout the plant
▪ Introduction into Quality Applications such as MCAT, QDV, QDA, EWM, SBS and other manufacturing relevant applications
▪ Introduction to quality management processes, systems and methods (FMEA, Control Plans, SPS/A3/8D/VRS, lessons learned, Continuous improvement process)
▪ Introduction to quality tests, quality assurance and conformity
▪ Introduction to Tire Uniformity management
▪ Introduction into Quality Management System, its external foundations and the implication for the OrganizationNOTE: May not be inclusive of all work required and may be updated as needed.