Fence & Deck Company looking for fence installers
Top rated multi-faceted 31 year old Fence company is looking for experienced full time help for immediate hire . We specialize in Fence installation and repair. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and on Angie's list. Starting Pay $20.00 to $23.00 per hour based on experience … We can keep you busy year round.
We offer year end Bonuses plus paid time off.
If you have your own tools and truck we are also hiring sub-contractors at a different pay scale.
We need leaders who are self-starters who enjoy working in an unsupervised capacity. We are family owned and operated.
General knowledge of constructing Fence's and basic carpentry skills
Attention to detail when performing work
-Professionalism when dealing with customers
-Keeping a clean work area.
Contact Bob at (937)434-3256