22 Feb
FP TRAINING ACADEMY - Security Guard & Fireamrs Training
District of Columbia, Washington 00000 Washington USA

Are you looking for a new career in the security profession. First Protect Training Academy have security training classes that will give you all the tools to become security profession.

Go Online to register for training to hold your seat! You must register online to attend training class

VADCJS Courses

- 01E - Security Officer Core

- February, Janruary 26th to 28th - 4pm (in-person or Zoom)

Registe - https://fptrainingacademy.com/product/va-dcjs-01e-unarmed-security-officer-core-subjects/

- 05E - Arrest Authority


Register - https://fptrainingacademy.com/product/05e-arrest-authority-course/

- 075E - Security Officer Handgun

- Wednesday, March 5th - 9am

Register - https://fptrainingacademy.com/product/75e-security-officer-handgun/

-01i - Security Officer In-Service

- Wednesday, Febuary 26th - 4pm (in-person or Zoom)

Register -https://fptrainingacademy.com/product/va-dcjs-01i-security-officer-in-service-course/

07r - Handgun Renewal

- Thursday, March 6th - 9am

Register - https://fptrainingacademy.com/product/va-dcjs-07e-entry-level-handgun-course/

Utah Concealed Carry Course

- Saturday, March 8th - 11am (in-person or Zoom)

Register - https://fptrainingacademy.com/product/utah-concealed-carry-course/


Maryland Private Detective

District of Columbia Special Police Officer

For Online Training follow us at:

Website: https://fptrainingacademy.com/training-academy/

Also connect with us on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/First-Protect-Security-Inc/334972986660312

VADCJ #88-10400

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