ATTIC CREW JOB ! Competitive Pay
Building Crew Work in Attic / Part Time - Seasonal
- Must be 18 years or older with Legal papers to work no exceptions.
- Must have the ability to stand, and balance on attic studs
- Should have the agility to bend and fit into tight areas
- Have a Driver's License
- Must have the ability to stand, bending on feet for a few hrs
- Slender to fit in tight spaces
- No heavy lifting
- Light on their feet
- Maintain a good attitude.
- Arrive on time, ready to work.
- Quick Learner
- Be a team player
- Self Motivated
- Aware of your Surroundings
- Have Agility
- Must-Have your own vehicle
- Competitive Pay per job, when the job is finished most times the same day.
If you have not worked in the construction field, please do not apply.
Attic experience preferred.
Call or text Ernie at 213-792-1111