Professional Landscaping positions available.
❗️These position availabilaties are starting up in March for the 2025 growing season.
Put yourself with a great local company. We are looking for RESPONSIBLE well experienced, hardworking, reliable individuals to join a precision oriented, well rooted, respectful & tight knit crew for an always growing landscaping company. Enjoy flexibility in your schedule parts of the year. Crews use newer hydro lawn equipment & newer small machines. Schedule has been refined through the years to improve efficiency and less efforts so things breeze by & days are much less stressful, than most landscaping outfits. Almost no push mowing. Work season is from March-December. Winter work (January-February) includes some projects along with the full range of snow services that we provide for our commercial clients and some residentials.
Position availabilities;
LAWN CREW, WEED WHACKING POSITION- 3 yrs. professional experience. Must be able to handle weed whacking throughout the whole shift daily, be able to maintain a high level of needed details on properties & maintain a swift pace.
…No longer available…………. LANDSCAPE PROJECT CREW LABORER- 3yrs. professional experience. Must have good experience mulching, trimming bushes, planting, seeding….etc.
LAWN CUTTING CREW LEAD/MANGR. - Clean & valid driver's license, 5 yrs. professional experience, must have high attention to the needed details!, the ability to handle pickup truck and trailer, be very familiar with hydro mowers & ultimately the ability to manage the property’s seasonal duties & schedules on time, thoroughly & professionally along with managing another employee (or 2).
Pending…LANDSCAPE PROJECT LEAD/MNGR- clean & valid driver's license, 3 yrs. professional experience, the ability to handle pickup truck and trailer, the ability to completely manage the project duties (trimming bushes, mulch projects, planting bushes, lawn renovations etc., correctly and professionally) along with managing another employee (or 2).
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Must have good experience in the field and the ability to work very well with others. Landscaping is physially demanding so all applicants must be in good physical and mental shape to handle the worst of the 4 seasons and stresses of manual work in their landscape position. Great rewarding opportunities for serious employees. These are no nonsense, long term positions with good advancement opportunities, ultimately executing detailed professional landscape services for customers who expect precision. Punctuality expected. All work is very localized in the Haddon Twp & Haddon Heights area very close to our shop. We work out of an organized & clean shop and vehicles. The lawn crew runs very nice sit & stand on hydro mowers, servicing a friendly and grateful client base. Must have these qualities if interested. Contact us through email & leave a detailed email with past landscaping work history including employers, titles and job descriptions. Looking forward to hearing from you & even joining our team.
Thank you. Gracias.
LEAF CLEAN-UP CREW (starting November)- Looking for experienced help who is highly motivated & knows how to work together cooperatively amongst a crew pushing leaves and cleaning-up properties for the season throughout the work day, Monday-Friday. Must be physically fit enough to occasionally pull tarps and keep up with the pace. Properties are really straight forward and easy to execute.