Cleaner for vacation rentals
Need someone who can clean vacation rentals. Experience not required, but preferred, as it is more than just cleaning. Looking for someone with:
- reliable transportation
- flexible schedule
- available weekends, especially Sundays
- can adapt quickly & think on your feet
- good communication via text
- can make beds & lug bags of laundry to and from laundromat (when necessary, but most laundry done on site of home)
Starting pay is $22/ hour but can bump up to $25 quickly if you show your commitment and do good work. Management can make more than $25/ hour.
Must be willing to document any home issues & communicate with manager. Pay is every other Friday.
You will be 1099’d.
Looking for South County and North County - specifically AG, Pismo, Cayucos, Paso, Atascadero.
Looking to fill multiple roles within the county - a few in north and a few in south.
Will start out around 10-20 hours a week but as Spring and Summer start, hours will significantly increase as that’s the busiest time for vacation rentals.