Cooks for Black Rock Pizza - Join the crew!
Everyone Loves pizzacome create a magical slice of joy for our happy customers! You might have mad tossin' skills or simply know how to tow the line. We need some enthusiastic, consistent people! Take a step beyond flipping burgers at a hot grill - who wants to do that? A/C kitchen, clean, non-greasy plus a ton of people are stoked to eat the food you create!
Excellent hours and shiftsOpen at 11 close at 8pm - variable shifts 1 to CL on regular basis.
Must be able to work weekends!
Beyond the hourly wage Black Rock Pizza cooks make very good tips everyday from our take out orders - a very nice daily bonus.
We are looking for Pizza Makers that utilize all their limbs to create our amazing and creative 20+ custom pizzas, sandos, salads and whatever other things people come up with! You have to be able to READ and go with the flow!
We have a fun and productive crew with positive attitudes, leave the BS outside the door and enjoy a hard working crew to make amazing food with and have a good time!
Just email a summary of your self and a PHONE NUMBER!