Full-time assistant needed for disabled queer sex educator
Hey, I'm Evan (he/him).
I'm a sex educator who is 42 years old. I live in Pasadena, CA. I focus on sex and disability. Check out https://crippingupsex.com/ for more information. I’m very easygoing and have an awesome sense of humor! I'm looking for 2 more awesome assistants to add to my team. I have cerebral palsy, which for me means I use a wheelchair to get around, and because I'm non-verbal, I spell out what I want to say on a letter board. Don't let the disability aspect intimidate you. This job is mostly hanging out and just helping me do what I want to do. You will help me with my basic life activities as well as with my day job and my sex education work. I will provide comprehensive training to ensure you are fully equipped for the role.
I am looking to fill the following shift: Monday-Friday, 4 pm - 10 pm
The job pays $20/hour cash. Benefits and a raise will also be paid after an introductory period. You must have a valid driver’s license and the ability to pass a background check. The most important thing is that we have chemistry because we will spend many hours together. This job will start on February 25th.
If you are interested, please email me a bit about yourself at evansaidesad@gmail.com. Thanks!