27 Feb
Live-in Aide / Nurse / HHA / CNA / LPN for quadriplegic man
New York, New york city 00000 New york city USA

Hi, I am a C5/C6 quadriplegic. I am 42 years old, and I am looking for a caregiver with a medical background who can become a long time employee. The ideal person for this job has a drivers license, can legally work in the United States, and is able to travel internationally. I can be flexible for the right qualified person.

There are three things that are important for my care:

-I use the Hoyer lift for transfers

-I do a mini enema every morning along with rectal stimulation to go to the bathroom

-I do stretching/range of motion every morning and evening

If you can do these three things, you can do this job.

The core of the job, the most important part, is helping me with the medical portion of my needs in the morning. The second part of the job is to help my wife and I with my daily routine – keeping the apartment clean, helping me with stretching and some meals, drive to appointments, and general assistance. At night I need help getting ready for bed and I need to be turned once at night. When you are working, you will stay at my apartment with me as a live in worker.

You will split the job with a secondary caregiver. I do not think it is safe for me to have one person working all of the time just in case something happens to you as I require help every day. For this reason, you need to share some of the time with a second person, who will work and live-in with me while you have a break. We will figure out the appropriate schedule based on your availability.


Because I'm a quadriplegic, the most important part of the job is helping me get ready in the morning. This includes 1. transfers using a Hoyer lift from my bed to wheelchair and shower chair, 2. doing a bowel regimen/enema, and 3. stretching. All of this can be taught, but it's helpful if you have an awareness of each of these elements or some medical background. Knowledge/comfort administering the enema and ability to help me with stretching is the most important part of the job.


I have a handicap van, and I would like to find someone who is comfortable driving. Typically you will help me with going to physical therapy and helping me drive to work. I am really hoping to find someone who has a driver's license and who can travel internationally if needed.


I live with my wife, and she helps with a lot of meal preparation and shopping. Sometimes she needs help or sometimes I am on my own, so you need to be flexible and open minded to helping out when needed. This includes helping with cleaning and some limited meal prep. You will be in charge of the tasks that I would do as a husband if I were able.


At night, I need help getting ready for bed and turning once in the middle of the night. You will sleep in an adjacent room, and wake up in the middle of the night to turn me. This takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, you can kind of sleep walk through this part. It takes about two minutes to turn me halfway through the night.


I have been injured for over 11 years (I broke my neck snowboarding), so my routine is developed and formulaic. I find that it takes about 5 to 10 days of training to learn it, but once you do it is easy to follow.

I find that the people that have hard family commitments - a spouse or young children - have trouble balancing the two commitments. But I am open to anyone that thinks the job works for them.

I work in marketing, and typically work on the computer from home. Some days you have lots of downtime, which can be helpful if you are studying or something that occupies your free time. I need to have someone nearby to help me with stretching, emptying my catheter bag, or if I need assistance with water to drink. Other days are more intensive, but I find that it balances out.

I think that I am a reasonable person, and easy to get along with.


I have had issues with people helping me that have used drugs or alcohol on the job showing up under the influence. I've also had issues with people being untruthful, violent, or behaving in a way that reflects poorly on me. I feel like it's silly to bring this up but it's important. I will be relying on you for my health and well-being, and I need you to operate in a professional manner – respect me and my household, do not drink or do drugs while working, and behave in an adult way, which includes respecting my home, working alongside my wife, and helping me keep everything organized.

Thank you, I look forward to speaking further!

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