Easy Clean specialized kitchen cleaning services. Our team will ensure that your kitchen remains spotless and germ-free.
Our services include deep cleaning kitchen appliances, counters, cabinets, and sinks, leaving your kitchen feeling fresh and welcoming. As well as front of the house dinning area and bars. leaving the restaurant ready for service. Our prices are both reasonable and competitive, but our exceptional quality of service sets us apart from the rest.
We have worked for big restaurants like Cafe del Rey, Napa Valley Grille, Steak 48, Catch LA, Catch Steak, YardBird, City Club LA, ETC.
We employ eco-friendly cleaning agents and ensure our work does not disrupt your routine. More importantly, our cleaning services are planned in such a way as to cause minimal disruption to your day-to-day activities.
Easy clean would be delighted to accommodate any of your kitchen cleaning needs. To schedule a service or for any further inquiries, kindly reply to this post or contact us at the number provided. We look forward to making your kitchen shine your way.
Jose Lopez