01 Mar
Corporate Launch, Create Dream Jobs, seeking Smart Art Business Minds
Georgia, Savannah / hinesville , 31401 Savannah / hinesville USA

Need Smart, Motivated, Artistic, Driven Business Minded People

Seeking motivated individuals to help build multinational corporation with artistic historical relevance and potential empire.

I need profit potential driven individuals looking for opportunity. Ownership stakes to bright driven, motivated, minds.

I need social networking, interns, organizational, entrepreneurial minded individuals, website & app programmers, technology experts, VC funding, Agency bridges, Marketing & Media, Think Tankers, Analytical Operations, Communications, Business Plan Developers, People for change.


Create Internet Celebrities with Global Awakening Evolutionary Agenda. Smart Planetary Management, Planetary Year 2100 Plan, Alternative Leadership.(Basis book Electronic Oblivion)

Create Celebrity campaign, Mercedes sponsored $102K Car, amount owed by every citizen of USA in Fed Debt. Sign on Car with Debt burden of every citizen. Take Mercedes on College Cross Country Campaign with Celebrity to generate followers, viral phenom launch, local media coverage blows up, also sponsored by Budweiser King of Beers & Bipolar Medicine for Crazy Parties Hate. (Book & Film potential)

Media website & app with potential to go National and Global worth billions.

SkiResort TV Alpine Channel. Full diverse slate of TV programming based around Global Ski Resorts. Intelligence, Wealth Mgmt. Culture, Art, Sports, Film, Music, Cuisine, Nightlife

Gene Sample for future CRISPR gene editing & designer babies & human cloning.

7 Books & Film projects for sale. Blurb Books Barry Marx

Rise of Caesar of LouisIAna(Basis for FleurDeLis Book 2)

LouisIAna Renaissance. Art Magazine, Evolve, launch.

LouisIAna Latin American Economic Evolution Conference in New Orleans like World Economic Forum, SXSW, Aspen Ideas Fest.

Southern Institute Think Tank, Advanced Intellectual Evolutionary Pursuits, Trends & Intelligence Magazine.

Legalize Recreational Marijuana Georgia Campaign team. Corporate Sponsors like Sweetwater 420, Celebrity participants, approach Widespread Panic, REM, Killer Mike, Usher, Georgia Celebrities, Country Stars, Sports Stars, etc. Potential Statewide concert tour promotion, Media blitz. Millions die every year from legal tobacco & alcohol.

Local Viral Fame Marketing Art Experiment

Savannah Philosophy & Art Movement

Seeking thinkers & artists to help harness power of movement to create a new galaxy of stars with particular agendas. Think tank brainstorming of ideology to pursue & promote.

Savannah Globalization Movement:

-Vast diversity of SCAD Nations Represented.

-Globalization vs Americanization vs Europeanization.

-Beautify Nations with architectural redevelops & planned integrity

-Civilization Nations Historic Preservation & Futuristic Planning & Developments

-Free market chaos detrimental for future nations property values.

-Quantitative Predatory Competitive Growth vs Qualitative Smart Planning.

-Smart Planetary Management, Year 2100 Planetary Plan.

-Momentum on Space Colony housing 1000’s.

-Global Governance.

-New Capitalism. Ethical Fair Market Global Economic Stability & Development Planning.

Savannah take lead on Southern Institute Development.

-South desperately needs futuristic leadership & planning.

-Strive to make Southern Towns & Cities more European.

-Evolved Conscious Citizenry Planning to the Future.

Core group of philosophy proponents launching stars of the arts.

-a Few Beatniks, Birth of the Cool spawned Hippie Movement.

-Shine Global light on talent of Savannah

Social Media Development to make viral.

Spread the Word. Branding & Marketing of Movement.

Globalization vs Americanization vs Europeanization

Free Market Chaos Jungle vs Planned Civilization Development Gardens Plantations

Americanization is quantitative growth worshipped based system.

Eventual Brick Wall Limitation of Free Market Chaos Growth Model with Planetary Limits of Natural Resources & Over population. My agenda is address problems before cataclysmic requiring major overhaul of deepened problems.

Globalization is a Planetary Perspective guiding hand. Currently there is no Proper Planetary Leadership steering and planning towards the future because Superpower & G7 dictate precedence’s which are followed blindly rather than proper leadership guidance to future optimization management.

Americanization Quantitative Free Market Chaos is only viable option currently because of a lack of big picture perspective leadership, competitive greed Capitalism driving Planet regardless costs to the future.

Europeanization is a Qualitative based proposal for optimal civilization planning and management. Historic Preservation of Treasured Civilizations and integrity protections of Treasured Cities is vital rather than allowing free market chaos because a lack of leadership and perspective to desecrate these treasures which will be huge future hangover. Free Press & Democracy desecrated Europe?

LouisIAna Latin American Economic Evolution Conference, I would like Europeanization civilization planning development & management to increase value structures of nations and cities heading into future rather than competitive greed free market chaos decimating potential. Mixing in Americanization Growth Model.

Globalization should be aware of options in civilization development based on Americanization or Europeanization or a planned combination of both.

Globally Awakened Conscious Evolved Planetary Citizenry & Smart planned economic & civilization development should be attainable with the right campaign of futuristic leadership. Planetary Supreme Evolutionary Council, Smart Planetary Management, Planetary Year 2100 Plan, all projects I’m attempting to launch.

Create Internet Celebrity

Art & Business Project

Create Internet Celebrity with Global Awakening Evolutionary Agenda

Agenda for Global Awakening would elevate Global Consciousness creating plans for planetary development & solving problems.

Contemplation of Global Governance with proper resources to make vital changes to haunting planetary problems current scenario neglects. Currently, Superpowers steer planet poorly to exploit nations economically through free market chaos destructive forces. Potentially, tax GDP of top half of nations using resources to solve problems for lower half of nations through economic development incubators & stabilizers to elevate out of perpetual state of degradation.

Create a Smart Properly Managed Planet like a corporation. Free market chaos neglects many?

Build Permanent Space City/Colony that houses 1000’s. Requires building fleet of new larger space shuttles to transport tonnage for construction and space planes to transport people. This is next major step in Planetary Species Evolution. Extreme costs require Smart Managed Planet to utilize resources to develop Planetary Species Evolutionary Agenda?

Planetary Year 2100 Plan?

Planetary Supreme Evolutionary Council to plan for future, identify problems to fix and steer planet. Create Awakened Conscious Evolved Planetary Citizenry.

Discuss potential evolution to more progressive fair economic systems, free market chaos mutated predatory out of control destructive force bad for climate change. Look to Mixed system implementing planned economics with domes of free market for R&D & to generate wealth creation.

Explore Alternative Leadership as checks and balances to Totalitarian Democracy which is out of control, Mob Rule Camaraderie Drunk Insane Polarized Hate Party Systems Present Potency Power Illusion with $32Trillion US Debt, $300Trillion Global Debt. No plan to solve? Debt Burden Crippling Future Generations ability to govern & lead.

Looking for Celebrity Candidates. Internet Savvy Behind the Scenes Individuals. People interested in change. Campaigns to increase exposure and increase followers. Build bridges to other Worlds to launch art or business careers? Highly Lucrative Potential Subsidiary Businesses Revenue Streams of manufactured fames societal credibility & popularity.

Southern Institute

World Class Think Tank and Institute of Higher Learning

Publish Southern Intelligence Magazine tracking progress & highlighting degradational patterns eradicating advancement & stabilization of South.

Bipartisan ideology, preferrable nonpartisan requiring cultish deprogramming.

Infuse higher consciousness in youth, planning validating education system as machinery to facilitate future societal success, systematic gains over current system infused sacred individualism pride eradicating focus on long term goals & mutating to divisive predatory nature

Identify strengths & weaknesses and formulate plans to best utilize available resources in varying states of existence.

Identify future trends. Start movements to create trends to cultivate economically.

Economic Planning to be prepared for future to utilize intellectual advantages in mutating world deviating ideology based on media manipulated popularity trends.

Prepare for future by optimally predicting & utilizing technological advances. Institute hopes to empower South to look ahead of the curve rather than simply be end user cash cow herds to be manipulated & exploited. Grow futuristic industries to diversify economic base.

Cultivate plans to solve problems created by petty rivalries from sports. Coalition of states looking to further economic advancements. Rather elementary method of Masterdom controls divide & conquer feeding voraciously on pride. Masters Syndrome is a plague hindering Southern progress because of predatory nature of victor domination as vanity pride over underlings rather than cooperation elevating team through shared resources & tools to develop talents. Supremacy Supersedes Progression?

Look to build global bridges & not be so hypnotized by party fueled patriotic insanity & alienating potential alliances & trading partners.

Bridge gaps between growing divides through acclimation of diverse demographics. Either coexist or declare war? Illuminate brainwashing indoctrination acceptances of diversity by system & media seeking to perpetuate existence & create healthy environment for growth. Political Parties create bitter divides based on demographics hiding reality, not racist hate it’s party hate, to avoid peer pressure devaluation stigma condemnation.

LouisIAna Latin American Economic Evolutionary Conference.

New Orleans conference similar to World Economic Forum, Aspen Ideas Fest and SXSW.

Aristocracy, Intellectuals, Philosophers, Business People, Students, Politicians invited to conference events.

Celebrate differences of participating nations

Conference events include trade development between participating Nations Ambassadors to hopefully smartly grow GDP’s

Civilization Nation Audits to identify strengths and weaknesses of Caribbean, Central and South American nations. Strategy plans seminars formulated by Conference council to develop economies.

Year-round internet presence with case studies for evolving nations economies to use as examples for all participants.

Culture, art and entertainment performers invited to participate.

Carefully not hijacked by USA political parties or government agencies to use to weaponize propaganda manipulations.

USAmerica 25% Global GDP, Latin America 6% Global GDP! God Bless America First the Beautiful! Evolve or be eaten by KingGodDollar Competitive Predators with MASSIVE Raider war chests using Monopoly money to buy best assets with potential to grow economy and Corporate war machines trophy hunting butchering meat for Cowboy Branded Hamburger Planet Masterdom EUcharist.

Global Debt Conference of New Orleans

New Orleans is below sea level protected by levees under threat of storms like Global Economy

$315 Trillion Global Debt, 360% of Global GDP. EXTREME DANGER from Free Market Catastrophic Storm needs to be addressed before it hits to negotiate a stable plan into the future.

Unlike 2008 Great Recession which was bailed out by massive Government Spending & Quantitative Easing to stimulate largest production of wealth in history along with unresponsible massive debt, this economic catastrophe has no entity to bail it out, the problem is the control systems horrific mismanagement.

Global Debt Conference will audit damages by mismanagement & formulate responsible plan for advancing into the future while avoiding potential of a long term Global Depression if free market storm is allowed to hit.

Reason for this pending catastrophe is flaws of democracy & insane parties mismanagement.

Debt seemed to be a trend of nations because of a lack of responsible competent global governance or conscious awakened citizenry requiring competent leadership. There is a real lack of reality in governance leading to massive %’s of GDP deeply entrenched in debt burdens and no plans for fixing problems or even acknowledgment of catastrophic nature of potential Global Debt Crisis Depression.

Strong economies growing rapidly creating vast pools of wealth while government in horrific straits needing overhaul.

Insane Fairy Tale Cheerleader Economics of wealth creation addiction of lower taxes to stimulate economic growth increasing tax revenue while deficits remain entrenched? This problem requires butchers to slash spending and raise taxes. Plans to Balance Budgets, Pay off Debt Interest & Debt Principal over time?

Patriotism vs Profit Maximization Capitalists with Responsible nations with low tax rates, wealthy & corporations jump ship?

Potential of Real Global Governance and Global Currency?


Alpine Channel

Seeking Partners & Financing.

Culture, Sports, Fashion, Art, Business, Media at Ski Resorts Globally

Potential events

World Economic Forum Davos, Aspen Ideas, Jackson Hole Economic Meeting, Sun Valley Moguls, Live coverage, special events, Replay interviews throughout day & night. Nightlife shows, Art Scenes, Cuisine

World Cup Races. Weekend coverage of Party & Art Scene in each World Cup Destination.

Clubbing w/ FG Radio

Film Festivals Special Events, Red Carpets Live

Film Releases Red Carpet Live. Potential to show actual movie premiering on SkiResortTV.

Reality Series based on local favorite haunts staffs. Example, Woody Creek Tavern. Arrange Celeb Drop Ins.

Research Southern Hemisphere Resort Potential to Develop World Class Scenes during summer of Northern Hemisphere. Race Series broadcast. Shows about Resorts unlocking potential revenue streams.

Winter Extreme Sports shows. Warren Miller series, Teton Gravity Research, etc. filler & late night.

Ski Fashion Shows in various locations.

Roving Party Reporter following World Cup & Seasonal Festivals scenes.

Music Show Live from Music Clubs. Late Weekend Show Live that repeats.

Music Festival Live Events. Potential Broadcast of Performances of Music Fest or cut together Best Of segments.

Local Talent Search shows. Create Idols.

Wealth Management Shows

Economics Global Trend Series.

Resort Town Economic Incubator & Trends Series.

Housewives of Aspen, Gstaad, St Moritz, Japan, etc. type shows.

Girlfriends of Aspen, Gstaad, St Moritz, Japan, etc. type shows.

Ski Equipment Manufacturing business stories series.

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