lawyer who has won recently in eastern district Pa Superior court
My girlfriends daughter PRETENDING she was a court appointed guardian got a PFA against me which the mother (my girlfriend) opposes. To complicate the case further, the daughter is using another lawyer to get her mother declared incompetent. We just lost in trial court but the judge was clearly wrong and we want to appeal to superior court. This case has dragged on for six months already, I have partly represented myself and sometimes been represented by an old lawyer who now has become more of a good potential future witness. Call to discuss details. But the point of posting a craigslist ad is to get a reasonably priced lawyer who has won before the superior court - it could be on a totally different type of case because my old lawyer and I have more than enough knowledge to help you with the appeal and any potential future steps, But, of course, if you have PFA experience even if not at the superior court, that would be helpful. 484 422 8033