Legal, organic cannabis farm in Southern Humboldt county is seeking a classic General Manager –Farmer/Sharecropper/Co-Financier (GM), OR a 'Lessee'/partner (L).
The 28,500 square foot farm is 35 minutes by vehicle, northwest of Garberville; 10 miles off 101. In a nice community, the off-grid farm is secluded behind a locked gate on the main road. (- It is possible to plant only part the farm, which would save expenses but limit production). The farm is located on 60 acres. Farm and residential areas are separate yet easily connected. Property is beautiful, quiet, consciously developed, and exceptionally clean. Organic methods, respect for the land and for the crew are critical.
6 greenhouses (4 – 12’x80’ and 2 – 12’x48’) = 5000 square feet.
2 large outdoor gardens with above and in-ground planting bags/holes, with high quality soils, for full term plants = 23,500 sq. ft.
County 1.0 Outdoor permit (full sun and light dep. are both allowed)
New 26’x72’ nursery
20’x28’ 2-story barn for drying
10’x10’x16’ tall extra building for auxiliary uses.
New 16’x24’ secure storage & processing building
Sweet 2-story, 800 sq. foot cottage for (optional crew and/or GM/ or L) housing
A large rainwater catchment reservoir with water sufficient for farm needs for the season;
Pertinent areas environmentally protected by waddles and rice straw around gardening areas;
Private farm roads and entrance; etc.
New 20’x40’ farm storage building is planned.
( - Cottage is available for rent to the GM or to the farm for $1000 per month. Cottage includes access to adjacent swimming pond. If leased to the farm, the GM and Owner split the cost when reconciling expenses).
Owner is long time community member and inhabitant of the farm parcel. He is capable, wise, creative, humorous, communicates well, and generally chill. He is seeking cooperative business relationships. Owner handles the bureaucracy of permits, etc. Owner and GM collaborate on some decision-making. Generally the day-to-day farm decisions are made by GM. Owner must have trust in GM to be mostly hands off (as he prefers). 'Lessee' needs to be a friendly, transparent-type who communicates well. If he/she/they handle themselves and the property well, Owner will be generally hands off (as he prefers).
Lease term is open April 1, 2025, then runs through December 2025. 'L' would have non exclusive access to the farm premises including the cottage, for $9000 per month ($8000 without Cottage), and take the profits from the product grown on the farm. (Renting Cottage includes access to adjacent swimming pond). In addition, ethical requirements for the farm include, respect for the land, neighbors, crew, selling all via the white market, accurately managing METRC through the season, and using ONLY 100% organic supplements. Owner will have some oversight to ensure the company is being managed in a way that regulations, ethics and respect for the environment require. (Keep in mind that the Owner will solely bear the [high] cost of the state and county permit fees, etc., etc.). Experience with METRC and white market operations are ideal.
DEPOSITS: Cottage deposit (if applicable) = $1000. Farm 'Lease' deposit = $5000.
The GM job, based upon the classic ‘Sharecropper/GM model’ that this farm has been operating under for 40 years, is to handle the hands-on farming tasks and decisions. This includes acquiring/buying and nurturing the seeds, plants, clones, finding and managing and paying crew (we may be able to have few crew, especially if the farm is only partially planted; or if the GM brings a committed or domestic helper), and managing the water system. Some job duties include, early season garden prep, planting, feeding and nurturing, through late season harvest, processing, planting the cover crop and winterizing, etc. All aspects of running the practical farm, from the start to end of the season, always abiding various regulations. Experience with METRC and white market operations are ideal.
GM acquires all materials, brings all tools, generators (2 – 2200’s and a 4-5K should be enough), dehumidifiers, tables, truck and/or 4-wheeler, and some fans, etc. GM manages Metrc.
This business is designed to be a win-win-win for the: Owner, GM, crew and Buyers (OR 'Owner - 'Lessee', crew, and Buyers).
Expenses, income and sales:
Income is split between Owner and GM. GM income would be by W-2.
Expenses to operate the farm (soil amendments, labor, agency fees, etc.) that the GM and Owner have respectively paid, are split after product is sold. Besides farm permits and fees, annual, and ongoing operational costs, etc., which are shared expenses, the Owner solely bears the regulatory expenses of lawyers, consultants, biologists, infrastructure and building repairs/ improvements, plus home, road, infrastructure and property improvements. Etc.
(- Shared expenses are split to the same percentage that each person [Owner, GM, maybe crew] receives in product sales, as their [partial, in the case of possible crew share] compensation. Typically the sale earnings are shared 50%-50% between Owner and GM).
Product sales, all on the white market, are generally up to the GM to handle, as is employee/worker pay (- unless crew are given [only] a percentage of sales). Paid crew work is on payroll, with W2s.
The bottom line of the ‘classic’ team arrangement is that the GM needs to bring money and tools (see some of both mentioned above), plus sweat equity to the table to make this arrangement work.
GM applicants must have experience managing crews, a successful farming background, excellent references, a solid, reliable truck, a great team attitude, stellar integrity, and the ability to stay positive as we navigate the challenges of a changing industry, etc. SERIOUS & REALISTIC INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE.
(- In this changing, yet hopefully soon to stabilize industry, new models of co-creating farm abundance will be considered).
The Owner is not desperate to have the farm operational. He is looking for the right fit, for a win-win situation, one that puts the respect for the land and people involved, first. Then, one that cultivates the finest in quality and marketable cannabis. The Owner is also open to ideas. This is a great opportunity for the right person!
If you need totally flat land, a flush toilet and quick access to town, this may not be the place for you. But, if YOU are looking for a beautiful, quiet, private place in nature to spend a season living the cannabis farmer life, hit me up!
For more info contact the Owner/ via Craigslist email reply option. Please include your name, phone number and email address in your inquiry. Thanks!
Meadow Garden x2, Barn Garden x4, Nursery x2, Reservoir, and the Cottage