04 Mar
part time work in a small shop while you listen to your headphones $20
Texas, Austin , 73301 Austin USA

Work with your headphones on ONCE you are trained. Traning takes a month at 15$. This is a piece work job. We make a part and you are paid by the part. It will take time and traning to get up to speed. Once trained your job does not change. You show up make your parts and leave. low stress. very steady work. You will make at least $20hour once trained. 4 hour shift. looking for a 10am-2pm shift. Very small shop, very few employees. What you do and how well you do it matters. Need strong fingers and hands. Women can do the job. It is assembling a small electronic sensor uesd in construction. You do not need experience but you must be reliable. This is piece work. You are only paid for what you do. Sick days or days off must be made up. you are responsible for your parts.

If you would like to be considered for this position please leave a name and phone number I can call you at. Hope to hear from you soon. If I found somone who was used to full time work and could produce at that level full time could be considred.

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