Casting Real Small Business Owners for The UPS Store Commercial
The UPS Store is casting REAL Small Business Owners in the Philadelphia area that use The UPS Store services. Are you a real Small Business Owner Philadelphia area that uses The UPS Store services? Would you love to get some GREAT EXPOSURE for your small business and get paid too? We want to hear from you! Qualified businesses MUST have a physical location (home or space). Questions? Email Full project info and submission instructions below! PLEASE SHARE THIS SEARCH WITH ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO QUALIFIES!
CASTING PROCESS: There are two steps to the casting process. Those interested first need to submit a self-taped video or request a Zoom interview (that will be recorded). The UPS Store creatives will review those self-tapes and Zoom interviews, then invite those they are seriously considering to attend a Zoom callback interview, which will happen on or about March 12 or 13. Final casting decisions will be made after the callback.NOTE: As part of the final selection process, clients will request that participants agree to a background check.
For those business owners who are selected for the final project, this project will be WONDERFUL EXPOSURE for you and your small business! In addition to that, you will be paid:
Filming Fee: $1000 per business
Usage Buyout: $3000 per business
(Total $4000 if your likeness/business is used)
USAGE: All scripts/lifts/versions/edits/stills from the footage/behind the scenes to be paid only if talent’s likeness, voice, or performance is publicly exhibited or telecast in relation to the campaign.
Term: In Perpetuity
Media: All forms of TV, internet, industrial and digital media.
Territory: North America, except as to usage via the internet and digital which is global.
We would like for talent to be available for one full day in the windows below. We would meet them the day before we shoot to scout and introduce the team.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Send us an email with a short self-taped video (or email to request a ZOOM with us!). If using a smart phone self tape, please do so in a LANDSCAPE/HORIZONTAL position with light in front of you (not back lit). Have someone hold the phone, use a tripod or prop the phone up so you can be hands free. In a waist-up shot, look straight into the lens and tell us the below information. Have FUN with it!
1) Your name, what city you live in & how far away The UPS Store is from you.
2) The name of your company, what services/products you provide and if you are a home or brick & mortar business.
3) A brief history of how or why you started your company.
4) What The UPS Store services you use & why. Mention all services you use (shipping, shredding, printing, mailbox, banners, etc.)
5) Why isThe UPS Store is important to your business and/or how it is helpful to you? Be enthusiastic! We want details!
EMAIL your video using a file sharing app like Google Drive, We Transfer or DropBox. In the body of the email be sure to include your PHONE NUMBER, BIZ WEBSITE & SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS. Send asap but no later than to 3/10/25 to
SHOOT DATES: Exact Dates TBD. We would like the selected Small Business Owners to be available for one full day in the windows below. Filming will take place at Small Business Owner's location. We would meet them the day before we shoot to scout and introduce the team. Tentative Dates: 3.24 - 3.28, 6.2 - 6.6, 7.7 - 7.11