Light Duty Diesel Technician
Family owned and operated Light Duty Diesel and Gas engine repair business looking for a new team member. We are excited to offer an opportunity to join our team. This is a full-time position with paid vacation and other benefits. This is an exciting position working with the latest in technology in a state-of-the-art facility with other like-minded technicians and staff members.
Responsibilities include diagnostics, communication with other staff and customer interaction, repair and customization of light duty vehicles ranging from maintenance items to engine and transmission repair and replacement. Applicants must have a commitment to excellence and pride of workmanship. This is a full-time position working Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm daily. You must have 5 years of experience in the automotive repair industry and your own personal tools. We provide large equipment, specialty tools, and diagnostic systems.
This is a salary position and not a book time opportunity. This allows for coordination of efforts on larger projects and learning opportunities for all.
Apply to with resume or call to request more info at 865.317.1393.