11 Mar
Line Cook for fast paced Sports Bar
Illinois, Chicago , 60601 Chicago USA

Hiring (2) LINE COOK, (1) Full-Time, (1) Part-Time. Evening Hours, must be able to work weekends. Closed most major holidays.

At least one year of line experience required to keep up in this busy kitchen.

Hourly rate starting at $19+ per hour, based on experience.

Reply to this email with your contact information so we can respond, or stop in and fill out application and/or call Cornell or Joe to schedule an interview (847) 827-5577.

Contratar COCINERO DE LÍNEA, Horario Vespertino, debe poder trabajar los fines de semana.

Se requiere al menos un año de experiencia en línea para mantenerse al día en esta ocupada cocina.

Tarifa por hora a partir de $19+ por hora, según la experiencia.

Visítenos y complete la solicitud o llame a Cornell o Joe para programar una entrevista (847) 827-5577.

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