Newborn photographer - hospital birth centers
First Day Photo is adding to our professional newborn photography team in Houston. This is a part-time contract work in hospital birth centers. First Day Photo contract photographers capture the first professional portrait of new babies in hospitals across Houston.
Check out the work we do at and visit the "join our team" link to hear from your future colleagues and request a contract meeting.
You bring your experience in available light photography and your gear.
You gain:
income regularity in an otherwise seasonal industry
a constant flow of new clients to your personal photography business
more hands-on photography and editing experience on a week to week basis than is your current norm
professional development - taking your work to the next level!
excellent compensation including commission, tips, referrals and a fall back rate.
Skills required:
- Experience photographing in natural/available light
- Photographic editing proficiency in a professional editing platform such as PS or LR
- Excellent time management
- Competence and comfortability in posing photographic subjects
This is an in-hospital position so proof of immunizations, including flu is required.