Handyman Needed up to $3K for 3 days work!
Looking for a skilled handyman that can do the following and get some small jobs complete by this Thursday. Number one: You must be able to present a W-9. If you cannot, then do not bother. You must be reliable and able to work quickly and possess the ch ceiling work, dry wall, painting, caulking and staining too. I price we are paying for the work which is absolutely not terribly too much is up to $3K. We supply all the material and supplies and all you do is the labor but it must be quality so if you do not have the time to commit or the skills then no need to apply. The job starts as soon as possible and ends on Thursday and payment of $3K will be paid within 1 week. We are a reputable company downtown so please do not waste our time. Hope to hear from you soon.