Illustrator Collaboration
Before you hang up
Okay, so, this is NOT a guaranteed paid gig. I've written a number of children's Tall Tales and without an illustrator, it is really tough to find a publisher. There is also the fact that I'm older and publishers don't want to work with older people as a general rule. So, I'm looking for a young person interested in illustrating books who has the gumption to take their work across the finish line. You have to be determined. You have to believe in yourself. You have to be prolific. And yes, you have to be good at art - hand drawn art. I'm not interested in computer generated art. I've been on fivver and all that art looks the same. I want something fresh and original. Now, because I have spun around in circles looking for publishers, I fully understand how much work that is. This means, if you take this on, I think you should get the lion's share of the profits because you will be doing the lion's share of the work.
Please include a sample of your work in your communication. Thank you.