Apartment manager
Looking for a Live in Apartment manager for a 13 unit building in Fresno on over 1 acre of land wirh 30 car covered parking
Need some one to keep the grounds clean
Keep parking Lot Clean
Keep the green space aound the out side of the building clean
Keep luandry room clean
Keep streets outside the aparment building clean
Keep the outside lights working
Fix apartments when the Renters move out by painting and clean up
Fixing small isssues that come up in the tennants apartments like door lock not working, sliding door not sliding
Collecting rent making deposit and sending information to the accountant
Showing empty apartments to potential renters
E-mailing the owners office with anty complaints from any renter
Acceptingt rental applications and e-mailing them
Helping owners new renters with paperwork or giving keys
Maybe fixing broken sprinklers
Trimming bushes and trees when needed
Cleaning what ever needs cleaning
Lets just say helping the owners run and control the apartment
You will get paid $20 - $25 Hour plus gasoline if drivingto Home Depot or the bank
2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment on site available, We pay you to manage and you pay rent for the unit after we pay you.