EP and HBO, ESPN or Netflix Sports Doc Director
Executive Producer / Sports Doc Director for Indy Car documentary
The Speed of Love - three humans coming together to create a miracle. OMG!
teaser - https://youtu.be/9oCR96K4xEE
A pivotal moment in the story unfolds when a miracle occurs involving the young doctor, an Indy car driver, and his family. Picture an Indy car driver trapped in the deepest coma imaginable. Yet, in the far recesses of his brain—where only God resides—a tiny voice is heard. It’s the voice of his two-year-old son. While our hero doctor works tirelessly to keep that brain alive, the child’s voice reverberates through his father’s synapses, delivering a simple yet powerful message: "Come home, daddy, we need you." For seventeen days, that immaculate voice continues to call out. The miracle was completed when, deep within the brain, someone—somewhere—answered the call.
Business plan and story outline available.
Budget - $300K - $500K with reenactments - $30K raised so far.
We are also searching for an HBO, Netflix, ESPN sports documentary director
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